Where are the Women?

Note: Registration has closed
Event Date(s): Jan 17th, 24th & 31st | Feb 8th, 15th & 22nd
Time: Jan: 10.30am - 12pm | Feb: 7pm - 8.30pm
Event Type: Online Event

Join us for a three-week online programme where we explore through the digital film archive, the lives and role of women in Northern Ireland.

We will journey through the decades taking a closer look at women within the family, community and wider society and the role they play and continue to play in helping shape the past, present and future of this place we call home.


Tuesday 17th January, Tuesday 24th January and Tuesday 31st January 10.30am – 12pm via Zoom


Wednesday 8th February, Wednesday 15th February and Wednesday 22nd February 7pm – 8.30pm via Zoom

Please select either the January or February dates and send an invitation request with your name and details to info@nirwn.org